
Hi there, enthusiasts of cuisine! I’m excited to share with you today a recipe for chicken cobbler, one of my all-time favorite comfort food dishes. This recipe will have everyone at the table requesting seconds because it has the ideal balance of soft chicken, crisp vegetables, and a buttery cobbler topping. It’s perfect for hectic weeknights or for serving a substantial and delectable meal to visitors. Now let’s get started!

Motives for Delighting in This Recipe

🟢 The epitome of comfort food is when soft chicken and fluffy biscuit topping come together.

🟢 – One-Pot Wonder: Spend more time enjoying your meal and less time cleaning up.

🟢 – Delicious and Nutritious: Packed with a range of vegetables and lean protein.

🟢 – Simple Customization: Change up the spices or vegetables to fit your preferences.

🟢– Family-friendly: Both adults and children like this recipe


Regarding the Chicken Filling
Two cups of cooked, diced or shredded chicken
One cup of frozen peas
One cup of corn, frozen
One cup of carrots, chopped
One cup of celery, chopped
One medium onion, chopped
Three minced garlic cloves
Two cups of chicken stock
One cup of milk
One-third cup of all-purpose flour
1/4 cup of butter without salt
One teaspoon of dried thyme
One teaspoon dried rosemary
To taste, add salt and pepper.

Regarding the Cobbler Topping
One cup of flour for all purposes
One cup of cornmeal
Two tablespoons of sugar
Dollop of baking powder
Half a teaspoon of salt
One cup of buttermilk
Half a cup of melted unsalted butter
One big egg

Nutrision Information

450 calories
25g of protein
45g of carbohydrates
20g of fat
5g of fiber

Required Kitchen Equipment

Big sauté pan or skillet
Dish for baking (9 x 13 inches)
Bowls for mixing
Spoons and cups for measuring

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1. Set the Oven‘s Temperature to 375°F (190°C) to begin.
2. Cook the Vegetables: In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter. Cook the diced onion, carrots, and celery for 5 to 7 minutes, or until they are soft. Add the garlic and heat for a further one minute.
3. To make the sauce, add the flour to the vegetables and thoroughly whisk. Simmer for around two minutes to eliminate the taste of uncooked flour. Add the milk and chicken broth little by little until the mixture thickens and becomes smooth.
4. Add Chicken and Seasoning: Mix in the peas, corn, thyme, rosemary, salt, and pepper along with the shredded chicken. Allow everything to gently simmer for approximately five minutes, or until thoroughly heated. Then, pour the mixture into a baking dish that measures 9 by 13.
5. To make the Cobbler Topping, combine the flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a mixing dish. Combine the egg, melted butter, and buttermilk in a separate bowl. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet mixture just until combined.
6. Top the Chicken Mixture: Evenly distribute spoonfuls of the cobbler topping over the chicken mixture in the baking dish.
7. Cook: Place the baking dish in the oven that has been warmed, and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the topping is thoroughly cooked and golden brown.
8. Serve: Before consuming, allow the chicken cobbler to cool for a few minutes.
Have fun!

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Benefits of the Food

🟩 –  Protein-Packed: Lean protein, such that found in chicken, keeps you feeling full and invigorated.

🟩 –  Rich in nutrients: The variety of vegetables contributes vitamins and minerals that are vital to good health.

🟩 –  A well-rounded meal consists of a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables.


Tips and Variations

🟦  – Change Up the Veggies: Consider including bell peppers, mushrooms, or green beans.

🟦  – Use fresh herbs to enhance the flavor even further. Try using fresh rosemary and thyme.

🟦  – Dairy-Free: If necessary, use dairy-free butter and milk in its place.

🟦  – Gluten-Free: To make this dish acceptable for people who are sensitive to gluten, use flour that is free of gluten.


How to Keep Leftovers

🟥 – Refrigerator: Store leftovers for up to three days in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

🟥 – Freezer: This shoe freezes beautifully! After allowing it to cool fully, move it to a freezer-safe container. It can last for three months at most. Thaw in the refrigerator for a full night before heating.


❓ – Is rotisserie chicken safe to use?

Of course! Incorporating rotisserie chicken not only enhances flavor but also saves time.

❓ – Is it possible to make this dish in advance?

It is possible to prepare the cobbler topping and the chicken filling separately. When you are prepared to serve, assemble and bake.

❓ – Which sides complement chicken Cobbler well?

Steamed vegetables or a crisp green salad are excellent accompaniments to this recipe.

❓ – How can I tell when the topping for the cobbler is done?

The topping needs to be firm to the touch and golden brown. If you stick a toothpick into the topping, it should come out clean.

❓ – Can I use frozen veggies in place of canned ones?

You certainly can. But before you add them to the mixture, make sure you thoroughly drain them.



A guaranteed method to add coziness and happiness to your dinner table is with this recipe for chicken cobbler. Its taste combination and substantial components make it ideal for any kind of gathering. Try it out and report back to me on how it goes!

Call to Action

As much as I do, I hope you enjoy creating and eating this chicken cobbler! If you give it a try, please comment below with your impressions and any modifications you make. Remember to follow my blog for more delicious recipes and cooking advice. Have fun in the kitchen!


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